Find Literary Agents
Fri, Oct 18, 2024
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Compare Standard & Premium Memberships

Some features and benefits are reserved for Premium memberships.  The chart below compares the Premium membership with the Standard (free) membership.

For a demo of Premium features such as 'My Literary Agents' and 'My Documents', log on with user name 'demo' and password 'demo'.

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Features & BenefitsStandard
Literary Agents in the Listings
View links to literary agents' and agencies' websites
View agents' email addresses
Add listed agents that you select to "My Literary Agents"
Save notes on listing pages for your selected agents
Icons designate your selected agents in all listings
Icons designate agents who are in agencies with your selected agents
Send a quick auto-filled query or other document directly from an agent's listing
Receive periodic email notifications of updates to agents' listings
Literary Agents in "My Literary Agents"
Save and edit submission-tracking records for your selected agents
View and edit notes for your selected agents
Use advanced filters and options to view your selected agents in various reports
Archive agents no longer considered in order to declutter your working lists
Click "New Document" to personalize a document to send to an agent
Print records of your submissions to agents
Add agents that are not found in listings to your private "Unlisted Agents"
Folders & Manuscripts in "My Literary Agents"
Create folders for classifying and organizing agents 2 Unlimited Unlimited
Number of manuscripts that you can manage and track 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Query Letters, Synopses, etc., in "My Documents"
Create query-letter templates for automated insertion of names, addresses, etc.
Store other documents, e.g., synopses and sample chapters, for mailing
Automatically insert (Auto-Fill) names, addresses, etc., into stored documents
Print queries and other documents for postal mailing or hard-copy records
Sending email in "My Documents"
Email documents to agents from your personal SMTP account (best method)
Email documents to yourself for remailing to agents
Email documents to agents from 1000LiteraryAgents' server
Automatically create records of emailed documents for tracking
Export Data to Your Computer
Export CSV of search results for mail merge, offline records, etc.
Export CSV of agents in "My Literary Agents"
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Discount on 1000LiteraryAgents' Premium membership 47%
Discount on purchase of Book Writer 25%