Donald Maass Literary Agency - Katie Shea
Donald Maass Literary Agency
121 West 27th Street, Suite 801
New York, NY 10001
121 West 27th Street, Suite 801
New York, NY 10001
Web Site
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(212) 727-8383
FAX (212) 727-3271Member AAR
Fiction Genres
- Literary
- Women's Fiction
- Young Adult
Nonfiction Genres
- Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
- Health/Fitness
- Memoirs
- Narrative
- Popular Culture
Submission Guidelines
Email: send a query with no attachments. Include in the email a synopsis and the first 5 pages of your manuscript.
Replies to queries may take up to four weeks.
Replies to queries may take up to four weeks.
Interested in
Katie Shea specializes in fiction and memoir, especially women's fiction and commercial-scale literary fiction. She is also seeking narrative nonfiction, food, pop culture, health and lifestyle, and realistic YA.
Not interested in
She does not represent picture books, thriller/horror, or poetry.
Additional information
She joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2011.
Graduate of Marist College
Previous Positions
Johnson Literary Agency
132 East 43rd Street, #216, New York, NY 10017
132 East 43rd Street, #216, New York, NY 10017
Other Agents in Donald Maass Literary Agency