AP Watt Ltd - Derek Johns
AP Watt Ltd
20 John Street
London WC1N 2DR
20 John Street
London WC1N 2DR
Web Site
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020 7405 6774
FAX 020 7831 2154Member AAA
Fiction Genres
- Literary
Nonfiction Genres
- Autobiography/Biography
- History
- Narrative
- Travel
Submission Guidelines
If you want to contact one of the agents at AP Watt with a view to representation, please do so by letter. If they are interested, they will reply.
Interested in
Specializes in literary fiction and general non-fiction.
Additional information
From the web site: Founded in 1875, A P Watt is the longest-established literary agency in the world.
Previous Positions
Derek Johns was the president of the Association of Authors' Agents (AAA) from January 2003 to January 2006.
Other Agents in AP Watt Ltd