Signature Literary Agency - Ellen G. Pepus
Signature Literary Agency
4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, #106-233
Washington, DC 20016
4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, #106-233
Washington, DC 20016
Web Site
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(240) 654-6466
FAX (202) 478-1623Member AAR
Fiction Genres
- Action/Adventure
- Commercial
- Detective/Police/Crime
- Erotica
- Family Saga
- Historical
- Literary
- Military/War/Spy
- Multicultural
- Mystery/Suspense
- Romance
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Women's Fiction
Nonfiction Genres
- Action/Adventure
- Art/Architecture
- Autobiography/Biography
- Business/Economics
- Celebrity
- Child Guidance/Parenting
- Cookbooks
- Cultural/Social Interests
- Current Affairs
- Drama/Music/Dance
- Finance/Investing
- Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle
- Gay/Lesbian
- Health/Fitness
- History
- Home/Interior Design
- How To
- Humor/Satire
- Journalism
- Memoirs
- Military/War
- Multicultural
- Narrative
- Nature/Environment
- Pets/Animals
- Politics
- Popular Culture
- Psychology
- Relationships/Dating
- Science
- Self-Help/Self-Improvement
- Technology
- Theater/Film
- Travel
- True Crime/Investigative
- Women's Issues
Submission Guidelines
Ms. Pepus is currently closed to new submissions except by referral. She prefers queries by email.
Fiction: maximum of 5 pages, brief description of the story, your background, and any publishing credits.
Nonfiction: maximum of 5 pages, description of project, a detailed bio that includes any platform you have that may help sell the book.
Any unsolicited attachments will not be opened.
Fiction: maximum of 5 pages, brief description of the story, your background, and any publishing credits.
Nonfiction: maximum of 5 pages, description of project, a detailed bio that includes any platform you have that may help sell the book.
Any unsolicited attachments will not be opened.
Interested in
Mysteries, historical fiction, women's fiction, multicultural fiction, and some edgy, dark urban fantasy or experimental fiction.
Not interested in
No short stories, poetry, young adult or children's books. No stories with children in peril or extremely violent horror.
BA in English, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Law degree, George Washington University, Washington, DC
Law degree, George Washington University, Washington, DC
Previous Positions
Owner/Literary Agent: Ellen Pepus Literary Agency
The Graybill and English Literary Agency
The Graybill and English Literary Agency
Other Agents in Signature Literary Agency