Accepts queriesFiction genres: Action/Adventure, Chick Lit, Commercial, Detective/Police/Crime, Erotica, Experimental, Family Saga, Fantasy, Gay/Lesbian, Historical, Horror, Humor/Satire, Juvenile, Literary, Military/War/Spy, Multicultural, Mystery/Suspense, Picture Books, Religious/Inspirational, Romance, Science Fiction, Short Stories, Thriller, TV/Film Scripts, Western, Whimsical, Women's Fiction, Young Adult
Interested in: The agent is interested a large range of non-fiction and literary fiction genres.
Does not represent: The agent does not accept submissions of poetry or collections of short stories, reference, science fiction, self-help, or picture books.
Other info: The agent does not accept submissions of poetry or collections of short stories, reference, science fiction, self-help, or picture books.