Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Action/Adventure, Commercial, Detective/Police/Crime, Experimental, Family Saga, Fantasy, Gay/Lesbian, Historical, Horror, Humor/Satire, Literary, Military/War/Spy, Multicultural, Mystery/Suspense, Religious/Inspirational, Science Fiction, Short Stories, Thriller, Western, Whimsical
Nonfiction genres: Action/Adventure, Art/Architecture, Autobiography/Biography, Business/Economics, Celebrity, Cultural/Social Interests, Current Affairs, Finance/Investing, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, Health/Fitness, History, Home/Interior Design, How To, Humor/Satire, Journalism, Medicine, Memoirs, Multicultural, Narrative, Nature/Environment, Pets/Animals, Philosophy, Photography, Politics, Popular Culture, Psychology, Relationships/Dating, Science, Self-Help/Self-Improvement, Spirituality, Sports, Technology, Travel, True Crime/Investigative
Interested in: Talented writers, platform driven authors. A good story is a huge plus.
Does not represent: Fiction without a strong plot of characters, nonfiction that is derivative of several other books.
Other info: Fiction without a strong plot of characters, nonfiction that is derivative of several other books.