Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Commercial, Detective/Police/Crime, Literary, Mystery/Suspense, Thriller, Women's Fiction
Nonfiction genres: Business/Economics, Cookbooks, Health/Fitness, Memoirs, Politics, Popular Culture, Psychology, Theater/Film
Interested in: The agency favors "persuasive and prescriptive works, each with a full-bodied narrative command and an undeniable contemporary relevance."
Does not represent: This agency is not interested in the following: "self-published works, screen plays, children's books, genre fiction, romance, horror, westerns, fantasy, or science fiction, poetry ,short story collections, projects by blowhards, bigots...."
Other info: This agency is not interested in the following: "self-published works, screen plays, children's books, genre fiction, romance, horror, westerns, fantasy, or science fiction, poetry ,short story collections, projects by blowhards, bigots...."