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Literary Agency Synopsis

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Literary Agent

Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency, Inc.
381 Park Avenue South, Suite 914
New York, NY 10016
 Accepts queries, email
Fiction genres:  Fantasy, Mystery/Suspense, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Interested in:  She is actively building a list of science fiction and fantasy authors, with particular interest in epic fantasy; I'm always most interested in seeing strong character formation and development
 Accepts queries, email
Fiction genres:  Commercial, Mystery/Suspense, Thriller
Nonfiction genres:  Action/Adventure, Autobiography/Biography, Business/Economics, Cookbooks, Finance/Investing, History, Journalism, Multicultural, Narrative, Nature/Environment, Science, Sports, Technology
Interested in:  Best known for narrative non-fiction, and in particular "adventure" books and books about the sea such as Sebastian Junger's THE PERFECT STORM