Accepts queriesNonfiction genres: Business/Economics, Health/Fitness, History, Home/Interior Design, How To, Popular Culture, Self-Help/Self-Improvement, Spirituality, Technology
Interested in: He handles mostl of the nonfiction submissions for this agency
Also represents nonfiction related to architecture and illustrated books
Interested in beautiful writing and new ideas with social or esthetic value, as well as anything that large and medium-sized houses will buy
Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Commercial, Historical, Literary, Mystery/Suspense, Romance, Women's Fiction
Nonfiction genres: Art/Architecture, Autobiography/Biography, Cookbooks, Drama/Music/Dance, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, Memoirs, Narrative, Travel, Women's Issues
Interested in: She handles the literary and commercial fiction submissions for this agency: general, women's historical and contemporary commercial, literary
Her nonfiction interests include books for women, travel, food, the arts, and narrative nonfiction, including memoirs and biographies
Very interested in France, traveling and writing about it
Does not represent: She is not accepting genre fiction submissions or children's fiction; please send these types of genres to her colleague, Laurie McLean