Frances Goldin Literary Agency 57 East 11th Street, Suite 5B New York, NY 10003
| Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Commercial, Family Saga, Juvenile, Literary, Mystery/Suspense, Thriller, Women's Fiction, Young Adult Nonfiction genres: Autobiography/Biography, Cultural/Social Interests, Health/Fitness, Memoirs, Multicultural, Narrative, Politics, Popular Culture, Religious/Inspirational, Science, Theater/Film, Women's Issues Interested in: Memoirs, especially those dealing with ethnic or multicultural issues; and current affairs, progressive politics. Does not represent: Romance, science fiction, and new-age. Other info: Romance, science fiction, and new-age. Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Literary Nonfiction genres: Autobiography/Biography, Celebrity, Cultural/Social Interests, Gay/Lesbian, History, Multicultural, Nature/Environment, Politics, Science, Technology, Women's Issues Interested in: Specializes in progressive literature and politics Does not represent: This agency does not represent screenplays, children's books, art books, cookbooks, business books, diet books, self-help, or genre fiction (mysteries, science fiction, romance, horror, etc) Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Commercial, Literary, Thriller, Whimsical Nonfiction genres: Business/Economics, Cookbooks, Cultural/Social Interests, Drama/Music/Dance, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, History, Humor/Satire, Journalism, Memoirs, Multicultural, Narrative, Popular Culture, Science, Sports, Travel Interested in: He is interested in "emotionally, intellectually, and formally adventurous work in most genres." He has a special interest in writers "who believe nonfiction can be as artful as fiction." Other info: Accepts queriesFiction genres: Literary, Multicultural, Picture Books, Short Stories, Whimsical Nonfiction genres: Autobiography/Biography, Cookbooks, Cultural/Social Interests, Current Affairs, Food/Nutrition/Lifestyle, History, Humor/Satire, Journalism, Memoirs, Multicultural, Narrative, Nature/Environment, Politics, Popular Culture, Psychology, Science, Sports, Women's Issues Does not represent: The agency does not handle screenplays, romances or most other genre fiction, and poetry. It does not want work that is racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic, or pornographic. Other info: The agency does not handle screenplays, romances or most other genre fiction, and poetry. It does not want work that is racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic, or pornographic. |