Accepts queries, emailFiction genres: Action/Adventure, Commercial, Detective/Police/Crime, Erotica, Family Saga, Fantasy, Historical, Juvenile, Literary, Multicultural, Mystery/Suspense, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller, Women's Fiction, Young Adult
Nonfiction genres: Action/Adventure, Autobiography/Biography, Business/Economics, Cookbooks, Current Affairs, Health/Fitness, History, Memoirs, Popular Culture, Psychology, Science, Spirituality, True Crime/Investigative
Interested in: This agency is very well-known for their representation of romance.
For fiction, he is interested in all kinds of commercial fiction including thrillers, mysteries, action/adventure, children's, romance, women's fiction, ethnic, science fiction, and fantasy and literary fiction.
For nonfiction, his interests include: health, science and pop-science, psychology, history, current affairs, business, cookbooks, pop-culture, true crime, biography, memoir, new age and spirituality
Does not represent: Does not represent poetry, short stories, screenplays, westerns, autobiographies
Other info: Does not represent poetry, short stories, screenplays, westerns, autobiographies